Thursday 1 May 2014

Tea as a neutraliser.

Tea, a beverage that can be found across the globe. Found in every household across China, tea is not only consumed for the rich flavour it has. Tea has many various health benefits within' each leaf, grind and cake.

Tea can be categorised within’ the differentiation of yin 陰 (cooling) and yang 陽 (heating). Where paired with various foods that are heavy in either yin or yang. Tea can be consumed as a form of neutraliser in a meal. Paired with food heavy foods, tea is consumed for its ability to separate and break down oils in the intestines, aiding indigestion and minimising the absorption of oil and fat heavy foods.

Tea aids the cooling effect of a heavy meal, a method popularly used in Asian cultures, where it is consumed to wash down after tastes and traces of oil on ones taste buds.

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