Sunday 4 May 2014

Tea with medicinal benefits.

Regularly consumed for its rich taste, tea in Asian cultures and China specifically are known for the many benefits to the body. In Western culture we understand that tea is high in anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. But in Asia, each tea blend, leaf and brew type aids a specific area and/or bodily function.

Liver, bladder, cardiovascular and some are said to slow down degenerative ocular diseases. Through the rich Traditional Chinese Medicine history of 5000 years. Tea has been enlisted with many health and medicinal values.

Although tea is split into both yin 陰 (cooling) and yang 陽 (heating). Tea has been categorised by their colours. Black, Red, Green and White, where each colour represents a specific property. Heating and cooling properties can be found in each tea with one dominnant property that plays a key role. Black tea and red tea is said to warm the body, primarily known to aid the functions of digestion and cardiovascular health. Green tea and white tea is primarily used for its cooling properties where it is paired with heavy meals of great heat.

Oolong is a tea popular in China and Eastern regions for its rich taste, and ability to warm the body whilst aiding the digestion of meals. Pairs well with many meal types and flavours.

Whereas shoumei tea is of green tea cooling properties frequently paired with heat heavy meals full of protein, carbs, and especially oil and fats.

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